• Tel: (57) 311-416-0141
  • direccion@institucionlapaz.com
  • Manaure - La Guajira

Our Allies and Sponsors

It is through the generous donations, both large and small, of our community of supporters that God has used to accomplish much in the lives of the Wayuu children and our community. We thank you, friends and supporters of Institución Etnoeducativa Rural La Paz, for coming alongside us in this endeavor. The rewards will be seen in eternity.

Ministerio de Educacion Nacional

Secretaría Educación Departamental

Secretaría Municipal de Educación

Latin America Child CareMisioneros Miguel y Nohemi

Iglesia Manantial de Vida Pastor Eduardo Cañas y Fulvia de Cañas

Colegio J. Vender Murphy Hermana Yolanda De Zabaleta

Centro Bíblico Internacional

Fundación Servir

Fundacion Oasis de Esperanza

Iglesia Cristiana Intergral Santa Marta Pastor Javier Salazar

Iglesia Luz y Vida, Barranquilla Pastores Hugo Calderon C. y Patricia Arenas

Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar - ICBF


Years of Pedagogical History




m2 Main Headquarters Area


Only God of Love